Sleigh the competition:  Maximise customer spending through low-cost Christmas incentives.

Lift Spirits, Lift Spending

For many of us, the middle of summer might a bizarre time to start thinking about the festive period – but with budgets already on your customer's minds and their spending habits changing, many will want to enter the festive period knowing where to get the best deal.

That's far from their only consideration, however: the cost-of-living crisis and ongoing economic uncertainty are set to make this year's festive spending habits much less predictable. Sure, there are certain festive trends your business could set a watch to – but Christmas '23 will be anything but predictable in this current financial landscape.

It's setting the stage for a fiercely fought Christmas season. Customer loyalty belongs to whoever makes your audience feel seen, supported, and rewarded for their custom – and you can expect your competitors to be stepping up their festive efforts in advance.


Warmer feelings in colder months.

Within this challenge, then, there exists an opportunity: to deliver comfort and confidence in your business and provide services and incentives that surprise, delight and make customers feel rewarded.

As with any other year, customers can expect marketing efforts to be louder and more numerous this Christmas. But success won't belong to the business that shouts the loudest; rather, it'll belong to the one that sends the right emotional message.

Your most powerful strategy this year is one that addresses your customers' burdens. How are you alleviating the Christmas rush? How are you saving them money, even while they spend it with you? Now more than ever, customers want to know that your business benefits aren't merely superficial.

Low cost doesn't have to mean low returns.

At Lock-In Marketing, we provide reward-led incentives that are attractive to your customers and affordable to your business. 
Your customer relationships are more than transactional, so incentives based on their needs and values are essential in making your business a no-brainer.

Find out how a curated incentive program makes your customers feel appreciated and ensures they stay with you for life – not just for Christmas.


The power of psychology in promotions.


Why the summer holidays are the perfect time for incentives