The power of psychology in promotions.

Now more than ever is the time to craft effective promotional marketing campaigns utilising the power of behavioural psychology to cut through the noise and drive business success.

At Lock-in Marketing, we harness the power of behavioural psychology throughout our tailored promotional marketing solutions, working with clients to master meaningful brand connection. If you’re looking to create an impactful promotional marketing campaign, here’s five Lock-In Marketing secrets, leveraging behavioural psychology to deliver effective marketing results you desire.

1.       Think like your target consumer.  

A successful promotional marketing campaign relies on really understanding your target audience and the type of rewards they respond to. From how consumers think, feel, and make decisions, conducting market research is important to identifying your demographic’s needs, preferences, and pain points. We delve deeper into consumer psychographics, gaining insight on characteristics, motivations, values, interests, and lifestyle choices. This insight provides what type of rewards your consumer will engage with, resulting in tailored campaign incentives that resonate on a much deeper level.


2.       Be emotive

As emotional beings, decision-making is significantly influenced by our emotions. To create powerful connections that resonate, it’s important we appeal to consumers desires, fears, and aspirations, evoking emotional responses that drive action. Whether it's joy, excitement, nostalgia, or a sense of urgency, emotions play a pivotal role in shaping consumer behaviour. We incorporate rewards with relatable narratives to create an emotional bond with your audience.


3.       Influence the ‘need’

Have you ever bought something because it was highly recommended, or came from a trusted source? Social proof is an impactful psychological phenomenon where consumers adapt their actions and behaviours based on influence. Social proof examples such as brand partnerships and influencer marketing enable your promotional marketing campaign to influence and build instant trust and credibility.  We specialise in reward-neutral promotional marketing, meaning we focus on sourcing the best brand collaboration that aligns to your business desires and audience, influencing the ‘need’ further.


4.       Create a sense of urgency

Ever experienced FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)? Psychological triggers such as limited time and exclusive offers are great ways to drive immediate conversions within your promotional marketing campaigns. By instilling a sense of urgency, your consumers will feel compelled to purchase and take advantage before it disappears. By playing on the innate human desire to not miss out, you boost engagement and sales. We’ve implemented these types of psychological triggers into many of our clients’ campaigns which have seen some fantastic results.


5.       Trust the experts

You’re experts in your industry, we’re experts in ours.
We have over 50 years experience in utilising the power of reward incentives to influence buying behaviour, and will work with you to create meaningful connection. By exploring the key moments within your promotional campaign, we can help you personalise and heighten the consumer’s experience further to make your consumers feel valued and understood, naturally fostering loyalty and repeat business.


Want to learn more on how we can deliver your next successful promotional marketing campaign?


Rewards don’t need to cost the earth, but they can help save the planet.


Sleigh the competition:  Maximise customer spending through low-cost Christmas incentives.