The scales are tipping. Fast.

If the commentary coming out of the COP26 global climate conference is anything to go by it is safe to accept that expectations of change are high. Can world leaders deliver?  Time and actions will be the judge. However, we believe in doing the right thing, so we’re going to continually bang the drum for sustainable, planet friendly, sales promotion products and brand partners.

And there are good commercial reasons to do so. The public are increasingly demanding changes to past norms.  The signs of the scales coming down on the side of sustainability and environmental care are increasingly more common.  A recent YouGov survey highlighted something very significant.  A majority (52%) of UK adults stated their purchase decisions are based on a brand’s eco credentials, and over a fifth (21%) cite environmental concern as a reason for actively ceasing purchases of specific brands or products. The green pound is increasingly the most important.

Watershed moments

2021 may be the year that fractures in decades old purchasing behaviour and patterns herald a seismic shift.  Dig (not that much) deeper and there are research articles, surveys and forecasts all predicting the change to come. A consequence of the post-Covid-19 economy and rising climate concern may well have accelerated the willingness of consumers to take greater personal responsibility for matters concerning the environment. How else to explain:

  • 82% of consumers actively seeking to reduce plastic use and choosing non-plastic alternatives

  • Within this are findings every brand manager needs to sit up and consider

    • Over half (51%) would pay 2% more on a £100 shop for plastic-free

    • A third (33%) would pay £3 more

    • And perhaps most significantly 25% would be willing to part with an additional £5

As with all research it can be challenged and holes found in methodology, questioning style and other technical aspects. But, just like the anecdotal evidence we all encounter, it is in step with other indicators of the increasing volume of the call for change. In the UK who knows where their nearest plastic bottle deposit return hub is? We don’t here in the office – yet 80% of the UK public would immediately support this. According to McKinsey, one of the fastest growing ecommerce models is the subscription one – make it a circular, zero waste proposition and there are millions of ears listening straightaway. Innovation will drive investment to meet the new demand. And quickly.

Rewards that don’t cost the earth

And that’s where we have been investing our efforts to pre-empt the coming change. We have always delivered high-yield promotional strategies and campaigns that align to brand values and positioning.

Our ‘green’ portfolio is our fastest growing for some years. We source partners more than willing to be seen as part of the solution and ready now to boost brand credentials.  In keeping with our low-cost, high perceived value ethos you can swiftly increase trial, sales, AOV and retention rates with promotional partners that don’t cost the earth.

Whether tree planting, or other natural carbon capture solutions, eco-friendly cleaning product subscriptions, sustainable family experiences and days out, or free coffee with a refillable cup. Whatever you want to complement your brand you can be part of tipping the sustainable, planet-friendly scales to benefit your business. It’s another small step to help everyone, everywhere. That’s always a drum worth banging we believe.

Call us now and be part of the solution too.


Open for business, it’s the only reality that counts.


The times they are a’changin’