The times they are a’changin’

The one constant in life is change. No surprise there. What does cause ripples of uncertainty is when the pace of change quickens, or events catch people out.

Recently there have a been a few ripples that have wobbled normal life. Whatever the cause, fuel supply (or demand) issues, energy price inflation, unreal weather events, protests literally blocking the life’s daily flow, and many more have highlighted that change (and the demand for change) is accelerating.

The big catalysing factor underpinning much of what we see is concern for our collective home – planet Earth. Look into the future and we see regulation and legislation limiting, even stopping, what we take for normal – gas heating, fossil fuel powered vehicle sales are examples.

So being ‘green’, having sustainability running through the business and embracing new ideas like circular economics is becoming more mainstream. It is fast becoming a must have for brands if they are to remain relevant to their customers.

Being ‘green’ is being relevant

It’s time to really highlight the green credentials a brand has in order to attract, retain and grow a loyal customer base. With all this flux going on, shining a light on why you are a viable (and ethical) option for changing times is a great opportunity and we believe is sure to be a fierce battleground in the (nearer?) future.

Take action now. Step forward and light the way in your category. A promotion (we would say this 😉), whether online, on-pack or in-store, is the perfect foil to raise profile and aid brand positioning. Getting new customers to try, buy and say ‘hi’ to a new brand of choice is fast becoming a no choice option for business.

  • Car companies must drive people into electric vehicles (the only growth segment in auto currently)

  • FMCG must highlight sustainable material use and ethical supply-chain management

  • Financial services must promote ethical products or investment strategies (even divestment plans) that support the new economy

Win-win as a force for change

Just a few top-of-our-head examples how promotional marketing can help fuel a new direction for brand strategy. And there is an often, overlooked benefit we see repeatedly with clients. The kudos earned by being relevant to fast-emerging markets shines directly onto existing business. Double win.

Go with the times and speak to us about how our low-cost, high-return, swift-to-market promotional expertise can start to energise the ‘doing the right thing’ parts of your business and help position for a better tomorrow. After all the flipside to not being relevant to customers is, erm, irrelevance, and that is a no-go area.


The scales are tipping. Fast.


It’s a balancing act